Phosphorous is an important nutrient for aquatic plants. The amount found in water is generally not more than 0.1 ppm unless the water has become polluted from waste water sources or excessive fertilizer runoff. When phosphorous levels exceed what is required for normal pond health, a process called eutrophication or premature aging of a body of water can take place.
If water quality problems are caused by high phosphorous, treatments of our Phosphate Binder can be added. It works by binding phosphorous at the molecular level and removing it from the water column. A critical step in effective pond management & maintenance. This all natural powder formulation provides a non-chemical alternative to using aluminum sulphate (ALUM) to bind problem causing phosphate in pond water. It will also buffer pH, provide approximately 70 beneficial trace minerals, provide minor flocculation (settling) of mud and clay particles, and aid in reducing ammonia.
- Improves water clarity
- Reduces phosphates
- Stimulates biological activity
- Works great with bacteria
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