Fall 2017 Fish Stocking
We are still taking orders for fall fish stocking. Don’t know what to stock? Don’t just guess! Bjornsen Pond Management will develop a stocking plan that works best for your fishing and pond goals. We work with the best fisheries in the country to get you the best fish available. Contact us online today! Or call 319-350-2918 or email Kevin at ke***@bj****.com.
We use only genetically superior stock from the nation’s best breeders and can help you develop a specialized fishery with focus on: Albino Catfish, Bluegill, Brown Trout, Channel Catfish, Crappie, Golden Shiner, Grass Carp, Hybrid Bluegill, Hybrid Striped Bass, Largemouth Bass, Minnow, Muskie, Northern, Rainbow Trout, Red Ear Sunfish, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye, Yellow Perch. See fish species photo and descriptions, here.
Fish availability from our growers is hard to predict!—quantities of certain species as well as seasonal timing change dramatically from year to year. Reserving your fish and delivery period will ensure you get what you want when you want it.