Winter is around the corner and it is time to get your pond winter-ready. A bit of preventative work now will ensure that your fish will stay healthy and that you will have your pond weeds under control come spring and year-round.
Aeration Systems and Components
Aeration plays the most important role in improving water quality. Our aeration systems keep oxygen levels high while decreasing toxic gasses that accumulate due to decaying vegetation and fish waste. Browse our aeration systems below. We carry systems from small-to-large along with the diffusers, weighted tubing, sound deadening packages, and other components you’ll need to start, or add to your pond aeration layout. And don’t forget, we always offer you our expertise for custom sizing and quotes—free! Is your aeration system working properly? Is it properly sized for your pond size and fish population? Now is the time to check things out.
From now until the end of 2020 we are offering free shipping on our large aeration systems! These systems are heavy and expensive to ship, so this this adds up to a huge savings. Please place your order now and save!
Other Products
PondFit Beneficial Pond Bacteria, MuckEater Pelleted Bacteria, and Ultra-Concentrated Pond Dye
- Bjornsen Pond Management’s PondFit Beneficial Pond Bacteria eliminates excess nutrients, smelly odors, and organic matter that cause your typical pond problems. What sets our formulation apart is that our bacteria blend works in all seasons—in water temps from 35 degrees up to 95 degrees! PondFit Beneficial Pond Bacteriaria is a bacteria and water conditioner that breathes new life into your lake or pond by completely restoring the entire microbial ecosystem!
- MuckEater Pelleted Bacteria is best used in conjunction with PondFit Beneficial Pond Bacteria for a complete water quality program.
- Ultra-Concentrated Pond Dye limits sunlight penetration to the bottom of the pond. By using Bjornsen Pond Management Ultra-Concentrated Pond Dye along with MuckEater Pelleted Bacteria, PondFit Beneficial Pond Bacteria, and Phosphate Binder you will create a natural and proactive approach to pond management.
- The products above should be applied just after “ice out” to stay ahead of water quality issues. If you are not sure of what you need to be doing now, or early in the spring, give us a call. We are here to help! Contact Kevin online or call (319) 350-2918.
Bjornsen Pond Management & Services LLC
300 Madeira Dr SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403
Contact us
Call Kevin: (319) 350-2918
Call Wes: (319) 640-1253
Email: lo**@bj****.com,ni**@bj****.com">ke***@bj****.com