The Bjornsen Pond Management team is looking forward to spring and will be attending the 2019 Cedar Rapids Sportshow, February 8-10, 2019 at Hawkeye Downs Expo Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Let’s get together to talk ponds, lakes, and fish—anything to get us past this blast of winter! While it may not feel like it now, spring really is on its way.

We are putting our electrofishing schedule together for Spring 2019. Contact us via our Online form or Or call (319) 350-2918 to reserve your spot on our schedule! Or, better yet, give us a call and come visit with us at the 2019 Cedar Rapids Sportshow.

And, if you can’t make the Cedar Rapids show, we will be at others in central and eastern Iowa:

We look forward to meeting with you at the 2019 Cedar Rapids Sportshow and getting to know you and your pond needs!

Think spring! 2019 electrofishing signup

This is a perfect time to look ahead to spring and summer. Soon you will cast a line hoping to catch one of your trophy fish. When they bite, are they the hogs that you imagined? Or are they are smaller than expected? You know the fish were once there. But are they today? How many? What size? And what is the makeup of the other species that support the growth of your trophy sized fish?

As we are under winter’s grip, think ahead to what you would like to learn about your pond’s health. Now is the time to go beyond a “hunch” and really learn what is going on beneath the water’s surface. A pond and lake audit with electrofishing will give you the real story. It will give you data—data that you can use to make intelligent stocking decisions.

We are already putting our electrofishing schedule together for Spring 2019. Contact us via our Online form or Or call (319) 350-2918 to reserve your spot on our schedule! Or, better yet, give us a call and come visit with us at one of our upcoming winter shows:

We look forward to getting to know you and your pond needs!

pond and lake audits with electrofishing

Your Pond May Be Under Attack! It happens every year about this time. Ponds all over the midwest are taken hostage by green stuff—Water Meal, Chara, Duck Weed, Filamentous Algae, Coontail or even Cattails. Having some pond vegetation is good—to a point. But, when the plant material starts covering most of your water surface, bad things can happen. Too much vegetation affects the aesthetic, fishability, and recreational appeal of your pond.

Before-After-3Bjornsen Pond Management can help keep your pond in good health! We have the products and expertise to get your pond back on a clear path. Check out our pond vegetation control products, PondFit Beneficial Pond Bacteria, aeration systems, and mechanical tools that will help make short work of your pond cleaning tasks. And, of course, you can always ask us specific questions online or call (319) 350-2918! We are always eager to help!

One more opportunity for pond audits with electrofishing!!

Due to a change in our schedule, we have one more opportunity for pond audits with electrofishing on June 22nd and 23rd. This is a one-time chance to get your pond on our list for an early summer audit. When these two openings fill we will not have any more pond audits with electrofishing dates until fall!

A pond audit is about much more than just fishing

Yes, a Bjornsen Pond Management pond audit with electrofishing will tell you everything you need to know about your fish population. But, an audit goes well beyond that. While we are on your property we:

  • Study overall habitat and water quality including a detailed assessment of aquatic plants/weeds
  • Observe predator to prey ratios to determine relative weights of fish population
  • Monitor undesirable species or over abundant year classes
  • Visually inspect the sampled fish for diseases and parasites
  • Inspect the dam spillway and watershed
  • Address any of your questions or concerns

Our assessment will allow you to take control of all issues, returning your pond to a healthy and beautiful body of water. These pond audit with electrofishing spots will go quickly. Contact us online or call (319) 350-2918 today!


Spring is here and the ponds are waking up!

Spring is here and the ponds are waking up! When you take a look at your pond you will see a lot happening. Hopefully, you are seeing good things—ice out, good water clarity, and fish becoming more active. In fact, this year’s extensive cold weather followed by great warmth is making things happen at a record pace and some of us may be seeing things we do not care for, like heavy algae blooms which are possibly creating oxygen deficiencies in our ponds or lakes.

Now is the time to act!

The next few weeks are critical as you attempt to gain the upper hand and keep control of your pond through the summer months. At minimum, we suggest:

  • Change the filters

    In your aeration systems

  • Stay ahead of water quality issues

    With a comprehensive bacteria program

  • Contact Us

    At the first sign of vegetation growth so we can properly identify the vegetation and put together a reasonable and effective treatment plan

Bjornsen Pond Management is here to help you!

We have the experience and knowledge to put your pond on the right track. We can increase your water quality, increase water clarity, decrease nuisance weeds, and conduct a Pond Audit With Electrofishing, which will give us the information we need to make fish stocking recommendations. With our help, your pond will reach its full potential.

2018 Pond Management Meeting at the Heartland Acres Agribition Center

2018 Pond Management Meeting

Wednesday April 25, 2018. Registration and meal start at 5:30.

2018 Pond Management Meeting at Heartland Acres Event Center

Visit us at the 2018 Mid Iowa Bassmasters Fishermen’s Swap Meet & Boat Show

Come visit Bjornsen Pond Management in Des Moines, Iowa this weekend at the 2018 Mid Iowa Bassmasters Fishermen’s Swap Meet & Boat Show!

Bjornsen Pond Management will have many of our products on display. Kevin Bjornsen will be there to talk through all of your pond- or lake-related questions, whether they pertain to water quality, fish stocking, or recreational features such as docks and swim pads.


  • 4-H Building on the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa


  • Saturday, February 24, 2018, 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
  • Sunday, February 25, 2018, 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.


  • Fishing Seminars & Product Demonstrations Both Days
  • Lure Making Demonstrations
  • Food Available Both Days
  • New and Used Fishing, Boating and Outdoor Related Items
  • Antique Lures & Fishing Tackle For Sale or Trade


  • $5.00 Adults
  • Kids 12 and under free with a paid adult

Stop by our booth—we’d love to meet and talk “pond” with you. Remember, spring is coming!

Sign up now for spring pond audits with electrofishing!

Contact us online or call (319) 350-2918 today! We have a limited number of dates to fill for spring 2018. Once these dates are filled your next chance to electrofish will be fall 2018!